Sunday, October 12, 2008

What You Can Do in the Last Few Days of the Campaign

Hello DoC Supporters,

We are now in the final days of our campaign. These last few days are critical, and we wanted to let you know what you can do to make a real difference in the outcome of the election in the few days that remain. According to today's Globe and Mail, 25% of voters will decide who to vote for between now and when they arrive at the ballot box.

Here's What You Can Do:

1. Tell Everyone You Know About

There are 65 "swing ridings" in Canada, ridings where the race between the Conservative and a non-Conservative candidate are extremely close. Voters in these ridings have the capacity to dramatically shift the outcome of the election by being strategic about who they vote for. This website offers comprehensive, up-to-date riding-by-riding information on how to defeat Harper at the ballot box--a quick and easy and incredibly important tool for all voters, especially those in these critical swing ridings.

Please consider sending a message to your friends, relatives and contacts, similar to the one below:

With the election fast approaching, many people are concerned about Harper winning a majority.

The problem is that in many ridings, otherwise unpopular Conservatives are in danger of winning because votes representing the riding's primarily anti-Conservative sentiment are being split between several non-Conservative parties.

To prevent a Harper majority, we must vote strategically in these ridings.

he following website provides comprehensive, up-to-date, riding-by-riding information on voting strategically in ridings the Conservatives could win. Although it is obviously anti-Conservative, the website is otherwise non-partisan.

If you agree with this strategy, please pass this on to as many other people as possible.

Thank you,

[your name]

2. Pull the Vote on Election Day

Another important thing you can do is help "pull the vote" for the candidate in a swing riding who has been deemed most likely to beat the Conservative in that riding. "Pulling the vote" involves ensuring that voters who have previously indicated that they will be voting for that particular candidate actually make it to the polls on Election Day. For a list of swing ridings go to: Click on the riding to find out which candidate you should pull the vote for, and contact their election office.

*Please note that candidates will require you to have some election training before Election Day, so please contact the election office of the candidate you wish to pull the vote for ASAP.

3. Remind Everyone You Know to Vote on Election Day

Another thing you can do is remind everyone you know to vote. First thing in the morning on the 14th, email and/or text message your contacts across the country with a friendly reminder to vote--and to check out before doing so.

If we all pitch in over the next few days we can have a real effect on the outcome of the election. Please take a moment to participate in some or all of the above initiatives.

Thanks for your support,
Department of Culture

You Have A Choice

Created for

K-OS, Ed Robertson of the Barenaked Ladies, Ben Kowalewicz of Billy Talent, Adam Gontier of Three Days Grace, Sarah Harmer, Hawksley Workman, Jason Collett of Broken Social Scene, Darren Dumas of The Salads and the Arts Offstage Choir under the direction of David Reed.

Ian Lefeuvre (The Hundreds and Thousands) and K-OS

Lyrics all contributed by the artists. Additional keyboards are performed by Todor Kobakov from Major Maker. The track was mastered by Joao Carvalho.