Wednesday, December 3, 2008

"Lies, Lying Liars... and a fun quiz!"

Messages from Allies...

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There's a lot of spin being rolled out of the Harper camp these days-- it's to be expected. Maddening as it is, it's the reality of the political game. But as the situation becomes more desperate for the Conservatives, so do their tactics. Now they're just making shit up.

It's desperate, but it's also calculated. It puts the opposition on the defensive, muddies the issues, and the public is left scratching their heads in confusion. All we can do is counter and counter again with the truth until the truth is heard.

That said, I figure we might as well have a little fun in the meantime. Yes, this can only mean one thing:


1. Of the following options, which we have chosen TOTALLY RANDOMLY, which is NOT illegal?

A) Bribing an elected MP
B) Recording a group conversation without the consent of at least one of the intended participants
C) Paying for a fifty-cent item with pennies
D) Forming a coalition in the House of Commons as a result of a motion of censure or want of confidence

ANSWER: D! But not according to Harper, who said, "[The coalition is an] illegal grab for power through the back door". (We would never imply, by the way, that Harper or any of his MPs ever tried to pay for anything with a fistful of pennies.)

2. Using the photo at the link below as a reference, which DOES NOT appear in the picture?

A) Stephen Dion
B) Gilles Duceppe
C) Jack Layton
D) the Canadian flag
E) A funny-shaped thing that looks like camera equipment
F) Paris Hilton

ANSWER: F! Stephen Harper would have flunked this one: "Yesterday ... we had these three parties together, forming this agreement, signing a document and they wouldn’t even have the Canadian flag behind them." (Paris, meanwhile, is mad about missing the photo opp and is consulting her lawyers.)

3. A "coup d'état" is...

A) "the sudden, violent overthrow of an existing government by a small group" (Britannica)
B) "the sudden unconstitutional overthrow of a government by a part ... of the state establishment — usually the military — to replace the branch of the stricken government, either with another civil government or with a military government" (Wikipedia)
C) "a sudden decisive exercise of force in politics" (Merriam-Webster)
D) "Sounds like a frenchie thing to me. Can't be good." (the clerk at Joe's Guns n' Ammo)

ANSWER: A, B, and C. (And now we know where Natural Resources Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn got his schoolin' from.)

4. Which of the opposition parties is NOT a formal partner in the coalition?

A) The Liberal Party of Canada
B) Bloc Québécois
C) New Democratic Party of Canada

ANSWER: B. OK, that was easy. Harper knows this, too, but is trying to convince Canadians otherwise.

5. How many Bloc MPs will be offered Senate seats by the new coalition?

A) 6
B) 12
D) 0
E) Less than zero
F) Pas de chance !

ANSWER: D, E and F are all acceptable answers. Even though 'zero' is the same in both French and English, Harper apparently confuses it with 'six'.


If you answered all questions correctly, congratulations! Fabulous prizes include a voice in the House of Commons and a BRAAAAND NEEEEW GOVERNMENT !

Thanks for participating!


UNITE THE LEFT - Canadians for a Coalition Government

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